Saturday, February 22, 2014

Train Ride in the Autumn

16 X 20 Pastel on Wallace Paper (framed)  Part of a private collection
Autumn is my mom's favorite season and she loved the photograph of this scene, so I decided to get creative with my pastels and gave this one to my parents.  They loved it!  (Of course, they are my parents)

Outdoor Cafe with a Garden

12 X 16 Pastel on Wallace paper (framed)
This is a favorite spot in the summer for my husband and I to take a walk, talk about our day, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. 

Palette Knife Fall Scene

9 x 12 Oil on canvas board
This is the product of a fun impressionist workshop with Ann Feldman. I mostly used my palette knife for this one. 

Birthday Balloons

8 X 16 pastel on Wallace Paper (framed)

Portrait Study: Squinting in the Sun

8 x 10 pastel on Wallace paper
This was a portrait study I did as a follow up to one of Ann Feldman's portrait workshops.

Flamenco Pose

12 x 16 pastel on Wallace paper (framed)
My friend Zulmara always inspires me with her dancing and her poses are very powerful.  She was not dancing flamenco in this performance, but I gave this piece my own twist.
(part of a private collection)

Waterfall at the Chicago Botanic Gardens

8 x 10 pastel on pastel board
Every summer, my husband and I have the tradition of visiting the Chicago Botanical Gardens.  Our first time was on our wedding day in July of 2006.  I know, how romantic! :)

One of My Best Moves!

12 x 16 Oil on Canvas
Here she is again!  Zulmara is one of the best dancers I have seen.  I love to watch her dance- she is so flexible, fast, and powerful with every pose.  She choreographs all of her performances and competitions and she does a wonderful job!  I can't stop watching and most certainly cannot stop capturing those snapshot moments for my paintings!
(part of a private collection)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Polynesian Paradise

   11x 14  Pastel on Pastel Board (framed)
Hawaii’s Polynesian Cultural Center was amazing!  Truly a cultural experience.   We loved it so much that we returned for a second day.  The days were sunny and hot and nature surrounded the entire center with streams, palm trees, tropical plants and flowers, and waterfalls that relaxed and refreshed us as we stood nearby taking it all in.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Rose is a Rose..

      20  x  20    Oil on Canvas (unframed)

My proudest moment while painting this rose was getting those water drops to glisten and look like water drops!