Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Need Coffee?

8 X 8 Mixed Media (framed) SOLD
Printing and preparing my own paper for this project took some time, but it was worth my time.  I learned a few tricks and techniques from Karen Sako in a mixed media workshop.  Although this is not a typical subject for me, I enjoyed this very much and added my style to the project.

Apples and Knowledge

8 X 10 Mixed Media
I was nervous and excited to try something other than oil and pastel painting.  During a mixed media workshop with Karen Sako, I played with printing my own paper, using acrylic paints, overlapping various papers, and then adding some finishing 3-D touches for the stems on the apples.  My nerves subsided and I started playing and having a lot of fun creating this piece.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Latin Dancer in Blue

12 X 16 Pastel
I used this photograph, because I feel this pose is powerful and full of grace!  Yes, I keep returning to the dancers.  

Monday, May 5, 2014


14 X 18  Oil (Framed)
This was an exercise in figure drawing and creativity.  I started the drawing from a live model in  a workshop with Kevin Beilfuss and then decided to turn in into a painting, but I had to invent the background and that was quite a feat!