Saturday, September 27, 2014

Playing with Water

8 X 8 pastel on Wallace Paper (framed)
Part of a private collection
This little boy was playing at a fountain at the botanical gardens and his parents were trying to get him to leave, but he would not have it.  

Budding Artist

8 X 10 Oil on canvas (framed)
This began as many of my paintings do... as an exercise in a workshop with one of my favorite artists and mentor, Frankie Johnson.  She pushed me to work in this very loose and textured background.  I felt so free approaching my painting in this way that I have continued to work in te this textured impressionistic fashion since (or at least some elemenent of my pieces incorporate this style).


10 X 20 Oil on Canvas (framed)
This model has inspired many of my paintings.  This painting was very challenging since I had to make up the background.