Monday, June 29, 2020

Mexican Pride

11 X 8 Pastel and Watercolor on Uart paper (framed)
"Mexican Pride"
This beautiful Mexican Folkloric dancer was admiring her fellow dancers while they performed in the San Sebastian Church festival in Guadalajara a couple of summers ago.  The music and dancers filled me with pride and a warm feeling in  my chest as I took in the night in this church square surrounded by food vendors making all of the Mexican treats I love, fireworks, and a live Mariachi band playing the music I have listened to since I was a child.

The Spectator

24 X 12 Pastel and watercolor on Uart paper (framed)
"The spectator"
It was a breezy hot day in Rome and this woman had all of her attention on a "statue person" street performer standing at a stone column.  While she watched the "statue" I took several pictures of her knowing they would go into a painting once I made it back home.  

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Am I in trouble?

11 X 14 Oil on Canvass (framed) Part of a private collection

Matthew is my nephew and this photo of him when he was 2 years old is my family’s favorite photograph.  I don’t remember what he did, but this innocent cute face got him out of trouble.  This was the first face that inspired me to try portrait painting.  

Scarf in the Wind Dancer

7 x 12 watercolor and pastel on Wallace paper (framed)
This was inspired by a belly dancer performance.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Long Walk

11 X 14 Oil on textured gesso masonite board

Sunset in Florence

12 X 16 Oil on textured gesso board
This is a scene from Florence during a sunset I enjoyed along with hundreds of other people at one of the highest points in the city.  It was an unbelievable scene and what a better way to capture the moment than to loose myself in this exercise that I did during a painting project.