Sunday, October 11, 2015

Gitana en Verde

Oil on gesso masonite board (12 X 16)
I have been exploring new, interesting, and more playful backgrounds on these gesso boards.  

Gitana en Negro

20 X10 Oil on gesso masonite board (12X 24)  Framed
I love working on these gesso masonite boards.  I'm not handy at all, but I have had fun spreading gesso all over these boards!  The paint glides on so nicely and the texture is amazing!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Seduction in Black Gown

6 X 12 Oil on gesso masonite board (framed) SOLD

Lost in Thought

12 X 16 Oil on canvas (framed)

Pears Vying for the Sunlight

10X 16  Pastel on Newsprint Paper
This was an exercise in a workshop with Dawn Emerson using analogous colors on the color wheel.  This is not my typical subject, but I enjoyed playing with various colors and learning from Dawn.  She is such a dyanmic and creative artist and instructor!